Nineteen Years of Secchi Day on Beaver Lake

On the third Saturday in August, for the 19th year in a row, volunteer citizen scientists collected water quality data as part of the annual Secchi Day on Beaver Lake event. Beaver Water District (BWD) staff then analyzed the data over the next several weeks. The Secchi Day data report was presented on October 12th as part of the Beaver Lake Volunteer Day celebration and lake-wide litter clean up.

In 2024, 34 teams covered 35 sample sites and took Secchi depth readings to determine water clarity. Secchi depth is a measure of water transparency that involves lowering a black and white Secchi disk into the water and recording the maximum depth which the black and white pattern can be distinguished when viewed from the water’s surface. Teams also collected water samples that were then analyzed by BWD lab staff for chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen to determine algal density and nutrient concentration.

“Year after year, Secchi Day continues to provide BWD with valuable data for Beaver Lake.” said Matthew Rich, Environmental Specialist with BWD. “These volunteer citizen scientists give their time and use their own boats to help us achieve our annual data collection snapshot of the lake. We do our best to show our appreciation for our volunteers. Sure, having all this lake data is nice, but what really counts is the connections we get to make with people that care about their drinking water source.” said Rich.

The 2024 volunteer citizen scientists didn’t just share data with BWD, but part of their lives. The only volunteer to participate in all 19 Secchi Day on Beaver Lake events, Mr. Robert Lewis, celebrated his 90th birthday on Secchi Day. Mr. Lewis even met with Matthew Rich and some local T.V. stations at Prairie Creek to talk about why he has continued to volunteer for Secchi Day. Matthew then got the pleasure of doing some last-minute site switching as Team Meredith had their priorities change when they welcomed a new baby named Wyatt. Although Wyatt didn’t get to participate in Secchi Day 2024, our newest citizen scientist was dressed for the event and knows where he will be in 2025; helping mom and dad at the 20th year of Secchi Day on Beaver Lake.

To read the 2024 Secchi report, click here. If you have a boat and would like to become a volunteer citizen scientist for Secchi Day on Beaver Lake, please call or send a message through the website or contact Matthew Rich directly at

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