Good Luck Jim! After more than 14 years, Jim Johnson is retiring! Jim began his career at the District in the Electrical & Instrumentation Department as an Instrument Tech II. In 2020, Jim transitioned to the Information Systems Department as a Systems Analyst, where he was instrumental in supporting and expanding the industrial control systems and a multitude of other areas within that department.
Each year, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) recognizes and honors young professional members who have demonstrated outstanding service to their Section or Association through leadership and active participation in AWWA YP programs. Nationwide, only five are chosen. This year was Beaver Water District’s year! Not only was our very own Laboratory Supervisor Nikki Holloway chosen as a “5 Under 35” recipient, but a familiar face (the District’s past intern), Jenny Doyle, was recognized also. Nikki has given greatly to the SW Section of AWWA by serving on multiple committees and has gone above and beyond to help grow the Arkansas Water YP Network. Congratulations to Nikki and to all the “5 under 35” awardees!
New Employees
Luis Lemus – System Analyst II