
Drinking Water Plant Tour video

Visit Beaver Water District!

We provide onsite tours and lessons for children and adults of all ages. Click the button below to see what activities are available when scheduling a visit.

In-Classroom Presentation by Beaver Water District

In-Classroom Presentations

We can bring lessons and activities that align with your curriculum to your classroom. Click the button below to getting started on a request.

BWD Outreach Event


We are open to new ideas and partnerships and can bring educational and professional development opportunities to regional events!

Trailer with water dispensers

Portable Hydration Trailer

The Beaver Water District Hydration Trailer dispenses 350 gallons (4400 10-ounce servings), chilled to a refreshing 40°F from a total of nine bottle fill fountains accessible on the trailer sides and back. A portable generator powers the cooling unit and bottle fillers. Limited quantities of BWD-Branded, reusable, BPA-free water bottles and compostable cups may be provided with the Hydration Trailer by request.